Aaron Kendall
erc Number | Name | Type | Category | Status |
2746 | Rules Engine Standard | Standards Track | ERC | Stagnant |
"slug": "aaron-kendall",
"name": "Aaron Kendall",
"links": {
"github": "https://github.com/jaerith"
"ercs": [
"github": {
"id": 1216933,
"name": "jaerith",
"company": "Barnes & Noble, Inc",
"blog": "https://metadatadojo.wordpress.com/",
"location": "New York City, New York",
"email": null,
"bio": "I am a software engineer in the New York City area, with over 25 years of experience in the design and implementation of enterprise data systems.",
"twitterUsername": null,
"publicRepos": 54,
"publicGists": 0,
"followers": 20,
"following": 3,
"createdAt": "2011-11-24T00:37:22Z"
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